Sundido on Special Fresh Focus
During the special Fresh Focus Eric Prummel, co-founder at Sundido, and Sandra Barth, director of Impact 033 had an insightful talk on sustainability as well as ecological and social factors affecting it

April 12, 2023

During the special Fresh Focus on New Business Radio dated the 12th of April, Eric Prummel, co-founder at Sundido, and Sandra Barth, director of Impact 033 had a chance to explore the topics of sustainability and business. They discussed it from the standpoint of their own experiences and elaborated further on the input their companies are putting into making modern businesses “greener”. It turned out to be an insightful talk on sustainability as well as the ecological and social factors affecting it.

Eric had a chance to introduce Sundido, explain the benefits of solar panels, and give an insight into what we think is the future of solar energy which is batteries. They allow for storing the power for future personal use which, consequentially leads to being completely electricity-independent in the future. Moreover, this ensures that overall energy consumption becomes more careful towards nature and gives us a chance for a greener future.

You can listen to the entire interview below or go to the New Business Radio page here.